I feel at a loss and confused. Now that my life is up in the air. Constant confusion is not good for someone.
I'm at a cross roads in my life. I am about to start school again, In the fall. the summer has started, and I'm at a loss of what to do. I'm looking for a summer job, and waiting to hear back from a place this week. Crossing the fingers...
Summer jobs are fun. They don't get boring, because you're not there long enough for it to get boring!
So in the mean time I am keeping myself busy. I have a summer reading list that I am working on of 9 different books, and I know I will enjoy them all immensely!
Working on a summer "tan." Haha! how "tan" can a redheaded Irish woman get?!?...
So my life right now is... Up in the air!
I will feel more grounded in a few weeks, I have faith.
I'm loving my Lord to the fullest extent, or at least trying to. It's a daily battle that will go on for the rest of my life. But for now, "Lord Jesus I love You! I have faith that You will make Your path for my life clear to me. For now I'm just going to abide in Your perfect comforting embrace!"
Here is a picture of my adorable niece and I!
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