I often times wonder what people think of me. I'm always happy and most the time have a smile on my face. I can not find a good reason to be depressed, even if I try really really hard!! People often times will tell me I'm one of the happiest people they know, and they want to know my secret. I have no secrets... I just try and live every day like it's my last. I don't really care what people think of me. I know I can be goofy, crazy, sweet, bluntly honest, totally insane. But I really do love life. I laugh ALL the time, and I'm blessed with some of the greatest friends a woman could ever ask for!
So when everyone is hating Valentines day because they are single... or because they have to find something special and extra ordinary to do for their other half... I'm thinking of ways to make my close single friends feel like they are loved beyond words! Because this was my very first Valentines day where I didn't have a date, I was open minded about it. It's not like I didn't have people ask me, it's that the right person didn't ask me.

I also made strawberries dipped in chocolate for one of my best friend's, whom I had a dinner date with. We go out at least 3 times a week together (to Chick fil a), and I wanted to show her how much I appreciate her. As decoration, I cut out red and pink hearts and wrote one word decriptions of things that she is to me. She loved it, Laughed SO hard at the card I had written, that I thought she might just faint if she didn't stop laughing to breath :)!
I walked into Chick Fil A, and immediately sat down with her. I was getting ready to go get my food, and my favorite person just happens to walk up with two very pretty pink chick fil a ice cream cones. He says "Happy Valentines Day, to my two favorite ladies..." He is too sweet (and it helps that he is a hunk).
Later on I was taking the dessert I had made them all up to the counter, he was with another customer. But he took the time to glance over, get big eyed, and that was all I needed, I knew I had made his Valentines day :)!! Later on I believe what was said was... "your dessert once again tasted completely awesome and was very much needed, it made my night!"

So my very first single valentines day was a success! I had a great 13 hour work day, followed by a perfectly awesome date with a bestie. Enjoyed the company of some very handsome men. Enjoyed laughs and smiles all throughout the evening. I felt loved, appreciated and special... just like every woman should feel everyday of their life, be it Valentines day or not!
Charity, this is awesome!! -felecia
ReplyDeleteThanks! Love you!